
Sand Sculptures & Sand Sculpture Festival

Sculpting In Sand & Arranging Sandskulpturfestivalen in Kalmar, Sweden

Edwin is the artistic project leader of the annual Sand Sculpture Festival Competion in Kalmar, Sweden. He started as a contestant and after winning first prize he shifted roles to becoming an organizer and part of the jury instead. Now his role is solely being the artistic project leader.

The festival is a summer event during a time when most people have vacation. It attracts competing teams from all over the world and is recognized internationally. A fun festival for all people to enjoy.

Hello world

Media Coverage

Edwin Böck Interviewed On National Swedish TV, Channel 4, About The Finals In Sand Sculpture, 2024

Edwin Böck Interviewed On National Swedish TV, Channel 4, About The 10 Year Anniversary of The Sand Sculpture Festival, 2023

Sand Sculptures

2020 - Hemester, Kalmar Sveaplan, Sculpture in Sand

2016 - Krocken, sculpture in sand at Solliden Castle Öland.